
Monday, November 7, 2011

Buray @ 9:00 PM

Buray is a town that almost never sleeps. Almost being the operative word. I got to talk to BigMac's crew and she said she is not afraid being in night shift at all. BigMac is a 24/7 burger joint. According to her, 12 midnight to 1 in the morning is the quietest time of the entire shift.

There are still plenty of travelers dining in the in the eatery still. For a provincial town, 9:00PM should relatively be desolate than this.

Street vendors "parag sudoy", though they don't litter or crowd the main road way anymore, there are still some left to cater to the late night travellers.

Chooks to Go can be seen from far away! Lighted signs are the best.

Still plenty of people buying lechon manok at night. 

I wish hope that the barangay officials would make the park look more enticing for Christmas by putting Christmas lights. I'd like the people to remember Buray with happy thoughts as they pass by. Would I be asking for too much?

Have a good day Buraynons!

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